More from GoodRX: Another kidney donation story and a piece about a man coming to terms with his mom’s death by suicide 50 years later

My last post was about friend-since-kindergarten Jackie Mango donating a kidney to her friend, Maria Scoloveno. That was only one of the kidney donation stories I had on GoodRX this month.

The other, which can be found here is about Paul Savuto and the lengths he went to to find his wife a kidney. (He’d given her one years ago, but that one was tired out.) Read this story and ask yourself, “Would my significant other do this for me?” If the answer is no, reevaluate your choices.

The second is about Richard Brockman. He came home one afternoon to find his mother had hanged herself in their basement. He was 7 years, 2 months and 2 days old. Now 76, Richard wrote a book about how the event shaped his life, including his career choice, and how he found the strength to go on and love his mother again.

That piece can be found here.


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