My Sunday column for The Philadelphia Inquirer

I began writing a monthly column for The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Sunday “Currents” section in September. My most recent one ran on Easter. It’s about a school’s decision to a gender-neutral bathroom. It was inspired by a former student who is transgender. He came back to talk to students and told them how visiting the bathroom was one of the most challenging parts of his school day.
“There have been times when I’ve walked into a bathroom and someone’s said, ‘You don’t belong here.’ More likely, people have looked very uncomfortable and stared at me as they’ve tried to figure out what my gender is,” he told me.

You can read that piece here.

I’d also like to share some of the other columns. I’m particularly proud of these three. The first came from a talk I had with a group of young African American men. They talked about being victims of crime but not calling the police to report it.

This piece ran in November. I went to a monthly breakfast gathering of veterans in NE Philadelphia.Great guys, inspiring stories.

Finally, I spoke to the family of a young man who was found murdered in his apartment two years ago. He lived in my neighborhood and I always see signs seeking information about his slaying. I wanted to talk to his family about keeping the story alive and their frustration over the lack of news coverage his case received. Their story is here.

I really enjoy writing this column. I’m lucky I have the chance to do so. Thanks to Kevin Ferris and the Currents team for the opportunity.

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